Question Bank all jobs

1. He failed in the examination because none of his answer was ---- to questions asked for.

2. Only the fear of immediate --- prevents that country from launching an attack.

3. It is an old ----- that says 'only the wearer known where the shoe pinches

4. Since there are so few liberal thinkers on the committee, their influence on its recommendations is----

5. Success comes to those who are vigilant not to permit ---- from the chosen path.

6. The surgeons were worried about the possibility of finding ---- growth in the patient.

7. Plagiarism is ------.

8. Because he is so ---. We can never predict what he will do at any moment.

9. Having published over 300 books in 50 years, he is the most --- author of our day.

10. It is stereotyping ---- that all people prefer basketball as a sport over all others.

1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 2
6 3
7 4
8 2
9 4
10 1