Question Bank all jobs

1. Your-remarks spoil the effect of yourspeech; try not to stray from your subject.

2. The young man was quickly promoted when his employers saw how -- he was

3. All questions must be original, that is, formulated ---- for the test.

4. At such a serious moment, your ----- is inappropriate.

5. Because he was --- by nature, he prefered reading a book in the privacy of his own study to visitng a night club with friends.

6. A ---- statement is an comparison it does not compare things explictely, but suggests a likeness between them.

7. Although dress is ---- in all other ways he seems to be a perfectly normal man.

8. The teacher suspected cheating as soon as he noticed the pupils ---- glances at his classmate's paper.

9. Beacuse it was already known that retroviruses could cause cancer in animals, it seemed only -- to searchfor similar cancer causing viruses in human beings.

10. He was very angry as usal. However, his angry words ----- me.

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2 3
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 4
7 3
8 4
9 4
10 2