Question Bank all jobs

1. ফুট বল খেলায় প্রত্যেক দলে কতজন করে খেলোয়াড় খাকে?

2. রাশিয়ার জাতীয় খেলার নাম কি?

3. ক্রিকেট কোন দেশের জাতীয় খেলা?

4. আমেরিকার জাতীয় খেলা কোনটি?

5. Abdullah purchased mangoes with tk 50,000.he sold party at 10% profit and partly at 15% profit.His total profit was tk 6000.How much did he sell at 10% profit ?

6. If a > b > c then which of the following can never be true ?

7. sattar receives a base salary of tk 90 weekly plus a 12% commission on all sales he had tk 3,000 in sales this week how much did he make total ?

8. of the following fractions which is less than 2/3 ?

9. In a shop the cost of 4 shirts,4 pants of trousers and 2 hats is tk 560.The cost of 9 shirts,9 pants of trousers and 6 hates is tk 1290.what is the total cost of 1 shirt,1 pair of trousers and a hat ?

10. P is a variable such that if 20% of it is added to its one fifth then the result is equal to 12 subtracted from seven tenths of P.What is the value of P ?

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