
English MCQ

521. The act of spying--

522. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others---

523. One who possesses many talents--

524. One whose attitude is: 'eat, drink and bemerry'--

525. A person unable to pay his debts--

526. 'Bibliography' means--

527. A remedy for all diseases--

528. A person warking in the same place with another--

529. Decision that can not be taken back----

530. -- = the failure to obey, the trait of being unwilling to obey.

531. The expression 'Ligua franca' means---

532. A person who writes about his own life writes--

533. One who studies and treats the diseases of the eye is--

534. First language means the ---- language.

535. One who knows everything is---

536. A place where money is coined--

537. A sound which cannot be heard-

538. The study of ---- is oncology.

539. 'Plebiscite' is a term related to--

540. : A pilgrim ia a person who undertakes a journey to a--